Brockwell Swimmers Constitution

Approved by members on Sunday 1st October 2017.


  1. The name of the organisation is the Brockwell Swimmers (hereafter referred to as the Club).


  1. The objects of the Club are to promote participation of the whole community in the sport of swimming and to facilitate and encourage the teaching, development and practice of swimming and open water swimming for its members and to promote the continued community use of Brockwell Lido, London SE24 0PA.
  2. In pursuing these objects the Club shall treat everyone equally regardless of age, sex racial or ethnic origin, disability, religious or philosophical belief or sexual orientation.


  1. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
  2. The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
  3. Any individual who wishes to become a member of the Club must submit an online registration form (and in the case of a such person under the age of 18 this must be printed and signed by such person’s parent or guardian) accompanied by the annual subscription fee.
  4. The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.


  1. The annual Member’s subscription shall be set by the Committee which will make whatever special provision for different classes of membership as may be necessary from time to time.
  2. The full annual subscription shall be due on joining the Club irrespective of the date of joining and on the next and subsequent 1st day of April each year.


  1. The Club shall elect at least three, and no more than six, officials from its members to carry out duties on a one year term. Positions must include an elected Chair, Secretary and Treasurer (see Appendix: Advice on Roles).
  2. Officials shall be elected, or re-elected, at the Annual General Meeting. Vacancies arising through the year can be filled by elections at a General Meeting.
  3. The Club is able to co-opt any persons from outside the Club where it is felt that such persons have skills or special knowledge relevant to the Club. Co-opted members shall not be entitled to vote.
  4. The Chair shall be responsible for communication and correspondence with other relevant bodies (e.g. the Lido management company, Lambeth Council, Brockwell Park authorities, etc.), preparing agendas, chairing meetings and organising local consultation.
  5. The Secretary shall keep minutes, notify members of meetings, giving at least fourteen days notice, and be responsible for the distribution of agendas and minutes.
  6. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping the accounts, and receiving and making payments on behalf of the Club, and shall provide a report on the accounts at all General Meetings.
  7. Any committee member who does not attend three consecutive meetings without giving good reason shall be deemed to have resigned.


  1. There shall be an AGM held at the end of each calendar year open to all members at which the officials will report the Club’s activities during the previous year. Existing officials shall then stand down.
  2. Members present shall then elect, or re-elect, the Club’s committee.


  1. The business of the Club shall be conducted at General Meetings. These are open to all members.
  2. There will be at least four General Meetings held every year.
  3. Representatives from the pool management company, Lambeth Council and other relevant officials may be invited to attend General Meetings but will not be allowed to vote.


  1. Sub committees may be formed to organise Club activities.
  2. All sub committee expenditure and activities must be approved at Club meetings (see item 10).


  1. A special general meeting may be requested by four or more members of the Club. The reason for the meeting should be submitted in writing to the Secretary.
  2. Within fourteen days of the request, the Secretary must inform all members of the Club of the date, time and place of the Special General Meeting, giving at least fourteen days notice.


  1. Decisions at meetings shall be made by a simple majority vote, with the exception of changes to the constitution and dissolution of the Club.
  2. Each member shall have one vote (if a tie the Chairman will have the casting vote).
  3. Decisions of all meetings shall be binding on the Committee.
  4. The quorum for all meetings shall be at least six members.
  5. The Secretary shall inform all members of the date, time and place of all meetings giving at least fourteen days notice.
  6. All members of the Club will be expected to treat each other with respect and act in a courteous manner at Club meetings and events. Any members may be excluded for a breach of this condition. Any member so excluded shall have the right of appeal at the following general meeting.


  1. A simple record of income and expenditure must be produced each year at the AGM and be available to all members on request.
  2. The Club may raise funds either by donation, grant application or other means. All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.
  3. Account(s) must be opened in the name of the Club. Cheques, transfers and other banking instruments or instructions shall be signed by at least two signatories who must be members of the Committee.
  4. Signatories must not be related or be members of the same household.
  5. Expenditure for items costing more than £200 must be approved at a General Meeting and be subject to competitive price comparison to ensure value for money.


  1. Members must declare any relevant personal interest in a matter under discussion. The Club shall then have the right to determine whether that member should withdraw from discussion and/or be allowed to vote.


  1. The constitution can only be altered at the AGM or at a Special General Meeting.
  2. Any suggested changes must be given in writing to the Secretary fourteen days beforehand.
  3. Changes must be agreed by two thirds of the members present at the meeting.


  1. If any Club meeting decides by a simple majority to dissolve the Club, the committee shall call a Special General Meeting of all members, giving at least fourteen days notice in writing and stating the terms of the dissolution resolution to be proposed at the meeting.
  2. A proposal to dissolve the Club shall take effect only if agreed by two thirds of the members present at the Special General Meeting.
  3. Upon dissolution of the Club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them in a related community sport.


  1. The Club actively seeks to represent the needs and aspirations of all residents in its area. The Club does not discriminate on grounds of nationality, political opinion, ethnic and cultural background, religious opinion, sex, sexuality or disability.




Advice on Roles for Committee Members of the Brockwell Swimmers.

CHAIRPERSON – The Chairperson has overall responsibility for seeing that things get done during and in between meetings. It is most important that the Chairperson works closely with the rest of the committee and has their support to ensure that she/he does not become isolated or a ‘figurehead’. Some basic tasks are:

  • Preparing agendas for meetings with other member(s) of the Committee.
  • Keeping reasonable order during meetings and encouraging everyone to have their say.
  • Making sure that decisions are made at the end of discussions, that they are recorded and that any work to be done is allocated to people to carry out.
  • Checking that decisions made at previous meetings have been carried out.

SECRETARY – The Secretary’s role includes:

  • Letting people know the time, date and place of the meetings.
  • Helping to prepare the agenda for meetings.
  • Taking notes (minutes) of the meetings.
  • Receiving and sending out mail on behalf of the Association.
  • Gathering information and correspondence together so that everyone sees them.
  • Keeping minutes, agendas and correspondence in accessible files.
  • Keeping an up to date list of members.

Associations can generate a great deal of work, which often falls on the secretary. It is good to divide and share out some of the tasks. Being a Secretary does not have to involve typing and other skills; minutes can be taken in a notebook and the job rotated at meetings. Typed notes for the membership can be distributed when necessary and the minute book available for anyone to look at.

TREASURER – The Treasurer has the responsibility for the finances of the Association. This means keeping a written record of any money coming in and going out of the Association’s account. If it is a new association, the Treasurer should make sure that either a bank or building society account is opened in the Association’s name, with at least two people named as signatories. All decisions about finances should be made at meetings and statements of the account should be available at each meeting for members to see. The Treasurer has to:

  • Keep a record of money received and issued from the account.
  • Issue receipts for money received.
  • Pay bills.
  • Keep the Committee informed about the financial position of the Club by doing a written statement and bringing books etc. to meetings.
  • Prepare statements for the Annual General Meeting.


The committee may appoint specific tasks to other members such as fundraising, leaflets and newsletters, social activities, etc. However, these additional roles must remain accountable to the Committee.

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